The media in today’s society is a very powerful thing. It has the ability to influence people’s choices, decisions, and override their common sense and logic.  It has the ability to bring joy to people, or depict so much death and destruction it becomes depressing to only see that side of the world. It has the opportunity to raise the youth of the world in a way where they can come together and change it, or raise them in a way that they will continue to repeat history in destroying it.
The media in today’s society is a very powerful thing. It has the ability to influence people’s choices, decisions, and override their common sense and logic.  It has the ability to bring joy to people, or depict so much death and destruction it becomes depressing to only see that side of the world. It has the opportunity to raise the youth of the world in a way where they can come together and change it, or raise them in a way that they will continue to repeat history in destroying it.

Mass media isn’t a small thing. Something with the word ‘mass’ in front of it isn’t expected to be small. However, it begins as a very tiny thing, just a piece to the puzzle. Each bit of media, whether it is radio, television, or newspaper, is a piece of mass media. And even lower than that, we have the building blocks of mass media – each individual bit of media adds to create mass media, feeding off of the negativity in the world.

Mass media’s influence on people and their lives is something that is very real, and may even be happening to you, whether you realize it or not. It’s more than likely influencing the minds of your susceptible children. When you make a choice or form an opinion about something based solely on what you’ve learned though the media, it’s easy to dismiss that as

Media also has the power of making teenagers feel good or bad about themselves. For example, when youth view stories of celebrities, they see actresses who are stick-thin and always look gorgeous and actors who seem powerful and in control of their lives. Young people can more easily get this imprint into their mind that they will be more loved or get more attention if they conform to the celebrities they look up to. It can become both unhealthy and a habit for them to have this constant need for attention, love and acceptance from others, when they cannot even give themselves attention, love, and acceptance of who they really are. 

Stereotypes, especially of minorities, are often formed through the way that people are depicted through mass media, particularly TV shows and movies. When youth get those stereotypes in their minds, they don’t leave easily, old habits die hard.  Many will judge other kids and people because of it, and it can often lead to bullying.  Mass media can also play a positive role here, though. For example, news segments could be done that create awareness that while these stereotypes exist, they aren’t true of every individual despite those who might fall under the stereotypes. Another example would be that news segments could be done that create awareness for how we can prevent these stereotypes from leaking into the susceptible minds of youth, and prevent young people from judging others based upon stereotypes and misconceptions.

Media can affect everything that people do, from the choices they make for their children’s lives, to what they wear to work.  It is something that has become so prominent in society that we go about our daily lives without even realizing how much it impacts both ourselves and children.  Watching news during dinner or listening to it on the radio in the car is a common habit for people, so the next time you catch yourself scoffing at the latest news on Lindsey Lohan – think about just how important it really is to you.

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