I haven’t read many Stephen King books, but I own a lot.  And one of them that I read over the summer freaked me out, a lot.  The one I was reading is called Cell.  Basically, everyone with a cell phone go crazy-animalistic on everyone in their paths.  But Clay Riddell is one of the few who are unaffected.  The novel tells his story as he progresses with a few others who help him, but he learns that no one is the same anymore.  He sets his mind to doing anything he can to get his wife and son back to him, despite the fact that they (like just about everyone else) are practically walking zombies.  This story became so realistic to me that I was afraid of my cell phone for awhile.  It really takes a new look at how dependent we have become on technology.  Definitely a good read, and will capture your attention and take you into a whole new world that you have probably never imagined existing.

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