If you’re a fan of Kate Hudson or Luke Wilson, or even both of them, you’ll definitely love Alex & Emma.  Released in 2003, this romantic comedy doesn’t seem to have gotten as much attention as I think it deserved.  The story unfolds as novelist Alex Sheldon must complete his next novel within 30 days or be killed by loan sharks.  They have broken his computer, and he must hire a stenographer to write it up for him.  Problem is, he’s got a serious case of writer’s block.

He tricks stenographer Emma Dinsmore to coming to his apartment and convinces her to type his novel for him.  As Alex’s writer’s block begins to dissipate, we also see his novel unfold.  The movie goes between him and Emma together, and their relationship growing, and then between the relationships of the characters in his novel; 2 of which are played by Hudson and Wilson.  It’s an interesting contrast that is built between the two worlds, and a new way to watch a movie.

The comedic aspects of it start from the beginning of the movie until the end, and it just might leave you watching it over and over again like it has for me.

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