Debate has been raging ever since the killer whale attack at San Diego’s Sea World.  The whale attacked one of the trainers when she got in the water with him, hair in a ponytail.  The killer whale in question has attacked people twice before, though one of the attacks was on a man who snuck in after hours and got into the water with the whale.  The argument now is whether or not the whale should be put down for attacking people.
Debate has been raging ever since the killer whale attack at San Diego’s Sea World.  The whale attacked one of the trainers when she got in the water with him, hair in a ponytail.  The killer whale in question has attacked people twice before, though one of the attacks was on a man who snuck in after hours and got into the water with the whale.  The argument now is whether or not the whale should be put down for attacking people.

We see instinct taking over in our pets every day – a dog burying a stuffed toy or guarding it’s food; a cat slinking low to the floor and crouching at its “prey” – so why would we, as humans, feel any differently about whales?  Perhaps because it’s not something one would keep as a pet, but why wouldn’t whales in captivity retain wild instincts like our own household friends?  Dogs especially have been bred in specific ways so that they are beneficial to our own selfish needs, whether it be herding sheep, catching and killing rats, or any number of other things our dogs do for us.  For thousands of years, these primal instincts have survived in our pets, why not other wild animals?  Killer whales are simply trained, and do not have the mental push to do things the way we’d prefer.

Hand them some treats, repeat the tricks over and over, and they know what to do.  But when that one instance occurs, when something triggers inside of them something pent up and hidden away, disaster can imminently strike.  Like a border collie that sees a horse and nips at its ankles, that whale does what it feels right.  Whether or not the whale in this instance was simply trying to play with the trainer, not knowing his own power, or really was trying to attack, we will never know.  

But is it really the whale’s fault for what happened?  A whale held in captivity all its life, not knowing any different than an enclosed area, attacks and kills a woman.  We can’t know WHY he did it, and what instinct it was in him that caused it, but we as humans should be aware of the power these whales possess, should we not?  Perhaps we are unable to see into the depths of their subconscious, but we have the knowledge of them, as did the woman who went into the water that day.

Do you blame your dog for seeing your shoes as a chew toy when they are puppies?  They know no different until you teach them.  Do you try to stop them from spinning in circles before lying down to sleep?  Of course not, that’s just what they do – by instinct.  In comparison to a dog or cat, a killer whale is huge – over 3 tons.  Trying to control an animal hundreds of times larger than you and with an entirely different thought process isn’t easy.  Possibly do-able for a time, but the second that instinct kicks in, they become an entirely different animal.  Threatened, playful, scared, aggravated, you name it, and that whale is going to possess the emotional capacity to feel, just as we do.

Obviously it is no more the woman’s fault than the whales’, but an incident like this could have and should have been prevented.  No doubt, this whale should not face death for acting purely on instinct, because by that logic, we’d be putting our animals down on a daily basis.

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